Over the last year, I’ve really fallen for Avene and their range of exceptional acne, blemish and spot treatments. I love their Avene Cleanance Expert and they recently sponosred me to trial their new Tolerance EXTREME for 3 weeks, a skincare line designed for sensitive skin.
So when browsing Boots last week, I was more than eager to try out the Avene TriAcnéal EXPERT Night Treatment which was part of a 3 for 2 offer where I picked up this; yet another tube of Cleanance EXPERT (I think I’ve gone through 4 now) and a La Roche Posay Eye Treatment.
The TriAcneal night treatment uses similar technology as the Cleanance Expert but also packs in a load of oil-free soothing hydration and a retinol.
The ingredient it shares with the Cleanance Expert is their patent-pending Diolényl that breaks down p.Acne bacteria by piercing its bacterial shell whilst sloughing off dead skin cells and reducing redness and inflammation.
Unlike other acne treatments, it’s designed to treat acne separately from conditioning the skin; killing off the bacteria without causing any harm or irritation elsewhere.
The added Retinaldehyde speeds up skin cell turnover by breaking down the bonds of dead skin cells and promoting skin cell production. This is great for acne marks, lines and wrinkles. It gently stimulates collagen production and after a VISIA consultation the week-before-last, I could use a little of that as fine lines are starting to rear their ugly little heads.
It’s a much richer texture than the Cleanance Expert, a cream-gel; but rest-assured it’s completely oil free. By boosting hydration in the skin, you’ll simultaneously help reduce excess oil production. Win-win!
I’ve only been using this around a week but my skin already looks brighter and the remnants of a recent chin-outbreak (completely stress related) has healed/disappeared quicker than they usually would.
I’m looking forward to continuing to use this, particularly through autumn as the weather changes which can cause all kinds of skin-related havoc!